Membership Requirements
Membership in the Piedmont Corvette Club (PCC) shall be open to owners or principal operators of Chevrolet Corvettes, and to persons interested in the Corvette and dedicated to the purpose of the Club. There shall be no discrimination against any potential member by reason of race, creed, sex, or physical impairment or disability. Members must be eighteen (18) years of age or older.
Every member, by virtue of their membership in this Club, is obligated to adhere to and follow the terms of the bylaws and safety rules.
Please fill out the below Membership Application and send to the address on the "Contacts" page or bring to one of our monthly Business Meetings, along with payment for membership.
Membership is $30 for individual and $20 for spouse/significant other, if applicable.
Should you wish to join us on a cruise, please fill out the attached Waiver.